Fern Street Chess Park

Open Sunrise to Sunset

402 S. Dixie Highway


The West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority invites you to enjoy a game of chess at Fern Street Chess Park! Connect with like-minded individuals for a mental challenge and a sense of community.

FREE to play. ALL ages and skill levels are welcome!

Bring your own chess pieces and join the fun!

Want to brush up before your next match? Here are some basic tips: Click Here

 Chess Facts 

  • It’s a mental game. However, the game can end as quickly as two moves. 
  • The longest possible chess game in terms of the number of moves is 5,949. 
  • Checkmate derives from the Persian phrase Shah Mat. The phrase means “the King is dead.” 
  • In 1989, a chess match between Ivan Nikolic and Goran Arsovic in Belgrade ended in a draw. It was recorded as the longest official check game and lasted 269 moves. 
  • The playing board used today with the alternating light and dark squares first appeared in Europe in 1090.

Want To Learn More

Local Organizations

Chess Literature 

Nationally Recognized

The American Chess Magazine honors the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority with a Special Recognition Award.

For Creating and Supporting a Dedicated Public Park that Unites a Diverse Community Through the Game of Chess

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