2022-2023 Annual Report
This past year brought significant growth and change to Downtown West Palm Beach, with buildings rising, the residential population increasing, and new businesses opening. The DDA has continued to expand their programs to keep pace with the growth and ensure their impact is felt district wide.
Downtown West Palm Beach On-site Visitors Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents finding from the first part of the research – an on-site survey of Downtown West Palm Beach visitors.
Downtown West Palm Beach Market Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken.
This report presents findings from the second part of the research -a survey of Palm Beach County residents. The first part of the research, reported separately, is an on-site survey of Downtown West Palm Beach visitors.
Investing In Revitalization Efforts: Case Studies from Knight Cities
Prepared by Knight Foundation
Knight Foundation engaged HR&A Advisors, Inc. (HR&A) to evaluate the impact of its philanthropic grantmaking in supporting revitalization efforts in select downtowns and neighborhoods. This report is composed of three main sections: (1) an introduction to revitalization and markers of successful revitalization; (2) an overview of specific cities that have received revitalization-focused investments; and (3) a concluding summary of best practices and implications for future investment strategy.
2021-2022 Annual Report
As the population of downtown continues to grow, with thousands of residential units either under construction or planned in the next couple of years, the board and staff of the DDA are laser focused on issues that impact the neighborhood that is downtown. This includes working hand in hand with the City of West Palm Beach, private sector partners, and advocates to address challenges in our city.
2020 – 2021 Annual Report
As challenging and destabilizing as 2020 was, 2021 proved that with vision and commitment, a city can make a rebound. And not just back to where we were…but a great leap forward. West Palm Beach has done just that over the past year.
Downtown West Palm Beach On-site Visitors Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents finding from the first part of the research – an on-site survey of Downtown West Palm Beach visitors.
Downtown West Palm Market Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the second part of the research – a survey of Palm Beach County residents.
The Value of U.S. Downtowns and Center Cities
This study quantifies the value of U.S. downtowns and center cities across more than 150 metrics organized under five core value principles, with a focus on how downtowns contribute to the city and region around them. The Value of U.S. Downtowns and Center Cities study is a partnership between IDA and local urban place management organization (UPMO).
2019 – 2020 Annual Report
Throughout this past year, the board and staff of the Downtown Development Authority dedicated themselves to finding every possible way that we could provide support and service to our stakeholders; financial resources, marketing, organizational support, and advocacy.
The Pandemic and the Public Realm: Global Innovations for Health, Social Equity, and Sustainability
Prepared by Urban Land Institute
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities have implemented quick changes to the public realm—most of them intended to be temporary—to address new challenges and meet changing needs. The Pandemic and the Public Realm features interviews with city officials, nonprofits, and other groups from more than 30 cities that have developed innovative public space projects since enhanced public health measures began in spring 2020. These inspirational examples from around the world provide insights on how to create safe, equitable, and desirable public spaces—even after the pandemic is over.
2020 – 2024 Work Plan
The goals of this plan are designed to improve local economic conditions, broaden the tax base, and enhance quality of life. Economic and community development does not occur overnight. It only happens as the result of a sustained effort over time and requires the cooperation and coordination of efforts from multiple organizations, City departments, and community stakeholders.
2018 – 2019 Annual Report
As the Downtown District has continued to grow and evolve, the DDA has tailored its programs and projects to remain in step with the needs of the City’s urban core by expanding and improving the services and programs that support quality of life for residents, enhance the business environment, and attract new visitors to the area.
Downtown West Palm Beach Market Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the second part of the research – a survey of Downtown West Palm Beach visitors.
Downtown West Palm Beach On-site Visitors Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the first part of the research – an on-site survey of visitors to DowntownWPB.
2017 – 2018 Annual Report
As we look to the new fiscal year, the DDA is committed to creating positive outcomes for the community we serve through influencing positive change with our plans and programs.
This report shows the power of partnership and how much can be accomplished when committed to creating positive outcomes for our community. The DDA is humbled with the success we have accomplished, and we want to do even more for you in the coming years.
Palm Beach County Economic Data
From the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County
The current economic indicators for Palm Beach County point to a vibrant and healthy economy — one that is growing and thriving. Encompassing more than 2,000 square miles, Palm Beach County is one of the largest in the eastern United States and the third-largest in Florida.
The State of Downtown 2018
Prepared by John L. Renne, Ph.D., AICP and Amanda Kerns – Center for Urban & Environmental Solutions (CUES)
The State of Downtown West Palm Beach examines population characteristics, a market analysis, walkability and placemaking ratings, and a comparison of Downtown West Palm Beach to 46 other downtowns across the United States.
Downtown West Palm Beach On-Site Survey Of Visitors
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the first part of the research – an on-site survey of visitors to DowntownWPB.
Downtown West Palm Beach Market Survey
Prepared by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the second part of the research – a survey of Downtown West Palm Beach visitors.
The Value of U.S. Downtowns and Center Cities: An IDA Pilot Study Calculating The Value Of Downtown
Created by The International Downtown Association
The project focuses on demonstrating the impact and benefits American downtowns and center cities provide all citizens in the community. The study identified five key principles— economy, inclusion, vibrancy, identity, and resilience—and analyzed more than 100 key data points within the principles to quantify the value of a given U.S. downtown. The study relied on both public and proprietary data sources, defining the commercial downtown beyond the boundaries of a downtown development authority or business improvement district. Metrics were calculated by change over time, by square mile, and by share of city value, allowing IDA to begin measuring each downtown against its respective city and region.
A Lively Inclusive Downtown With A New Iconic Waterscape Experience
Created by Ecosistema Urbano
This proposal considers the city as a balanced and connected human ecosystem in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This project imagines the future West Palm Beach as a dynamic and inclusive downtown where activities and spaces are closely interwoven, providing access to a new urban waterscape, enhancing the city’s connection to the lagoon and bringing infinite possibilities of urban culture, economic development and leisure. In this vision, the waterfront plays a key role as the most representative and attractive space, and the Banyan Hub becomes a forward-thinking epicenter for urban reactivation.
Shore to Core
Created by Happier by Design
This work was a response to challenges set out by Shore to Core, a design and research competition launched by Van Alen Institute, along with the City of West Palm Beach and its Community Redevelopment Agency. The Shore to Core competition sought to understand how urban spaces influence wellbeing over time. In what may be the first experiment of its kind, the competition winners tested the power of a design intervention on a waterfront location to alter people’s emotions, physiology and behavior.
A Path Towards Better Bicycle Infrastructure: A Guidebook For Urban Place Management Organizations
Created by members of The International Downtown Association
This publication provides methods and examples relevant to urban place management organization (UPMOs), including case studies and additional resources, on key areas in which UPMOs can make significant contributions to improving conditions for bicycling. UMPOs, such as business improvement districts, can play an important and effective role in improving conditions for bicycling, thus improving conditions of safety and walkability. Urban place management organizations are often the most direct connection to stakeholders and decision makers within their districts. As such, there are many opportunities to facilitate change. This can range from capital infrastructure investments to simple advocacy.
An Analysis of CANVAS Outdoor Museum
Created by Decision Support Partners, Inc. a collaboration with The Community Land Use + Economics Group, LLC
CANVAS Outdoor Museum, the City of West Palm Beach, and the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority joined forces to gather information about the social and economic impacts of the art installations in downtown park areas along Flagler Drive. For the purposes of this report, the area is referred to as the “art parks.” The project was limited to gathering visitor counts, conducting intercept surveys, and interviewing some art park visitors from November 2016 through February 2017.
National Summit on Design & Urban Mobility
Created by American Architectural Foundation and the City of Pittsburgh, in conjunction with CityAge
Outlines a number of key principles that cities and private sector mobility providers must collaborate on to achieve desired outcomes. The five tenets of social compact for mobility in cities are people, place, planet, performance, and prosperity. The recommended principles for new urban mobility adhere to nine basic principles: be accessible; be safe; strengthen walkability; ensure private partners share incentives, outcomes and rewards; include accountability; reinvest in mobile systems; manage change for equitable outcomes; reduce vehicle trips; and, treat the community as shareholders.
A Mayor’s Guide To Public Life
Created by Gehl
This guide shows how mayors can encourage vibrant public life. Public life is defined as what happens in public spaces, on streets, and in between buildings. Vibrant public life promotes health, makes our cities safer, can lead to more civic engagement, can create economic opportunity and mobility, builds social capital, and connects people to their local communities. The guide is broken up into five steps: Measure, Invite, Do, Evolve, Formalize. It features case studies from New York City, Pittsburgh, Denver, Lexington, San Francisco, St. Paul, and Copenhagen.
West Palm Beach Public Realm Action Plan
Created by Gehl
The City of West Palm Beach partners with the community to preserve and enhance the quality of life through providing efficient and effective community-focused services.
Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier
Created by Urban Land Institute
The report explores the interconnections among walking, bicycling, and real estate. Developers, owners, property managers, designers, investors, public officials, and others involved in real estate decision making can learn from the case studies described in this report to create places that both support and leverage investments in active transportation infrastructure, such as bike lanes and trails. In the process, they can create real estate value and promote economic, environmental, and public health goals.
Downtown West Palm Beach On-Site Survey Of Visitors – Harmony
Created by Radius Global Market Research
On February 28, 2016, The West Palm Beach Arts & Entertainment District presented a free performance featuring Ballet Palm Beach and the Palm Beach Symphony. This report serves to provide a demographic profile of Harmony visitors and to highlight the key findings of this event.
Downtown West Palm Beach On-Site Survey Of Visitors
Created by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the first part of the research -an on-site survey of visitors to DowntownWPB.
Downtown West Palm Beach Market Survey
Created by Radius Global Market Research
The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken. This report presents findings from the second part of the research – a survey of Palm Beach County residents.
Economic and Social Impact Analysis of The Musical Swings in West Palm Beach
Created by The Community Land Use + Economics Group, LLC a collaboration with Surale Phillips, Decision Support Partners, Inc.
The research plan focused on outcome metrics that would yield quantitative and qualitative information – information that could measure impacts and also provide insights to help Daily Tous Les Jours (DTLJ) in its future work. DTLJ, the Montreal-based artist collaborative that created the Musical Swings, toured the Swings to four American cities, beginning with a one-month installation in West Palm Beach, Florida from February 4 to March 6, 2016. DTLJ has been interested in quantifying the experience of the Swings from the project’s inception: For example, the Swings themselves were designed to collect data on the number of people who sit on a seat and how many “swings” they take. We relied on our own experience in measuring downtown economies and cultural audiences, and also on recent research in the use of playgrounds as an analogue to the Musical Swings..
District 4 Road Safety Audit Report
Prepared by William T. “WT” Bowman, P.E. #69132
The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Safety Office has established the Road Safety Audits (RSA) process as a way to further enhance the overall safety performance of roadways for all users. This RSA along SR‐704 (Okeechobee Boulevard) at Florida Avenue / Rosemary Avenue was conducted based on a variety of factors.
Transportation Management System Report for Downtown West Palm Beach Traffic Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA)
Prepared by The City of West Palm Beach Planning Division
As part of the approval of the City’s TCEA, several goals, objectives, and policies (GOPs) were adopted in the Transportation, Capital Improvements, and Downtown Master Plan elements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The GOPs were created to ensure that the City’s Transportation Vision and the intent of the TCEA were maintained. The creation of a transportation management system (TMS) was one such policy. The purpose and intent of the TMS is to efficiently and effectively utilize existing transportation facilities and services.
West Palm Beach: The Dollars & $ense of Development Patterns
Prepared by Urban3
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and The City of West Palm Beach commissioned Urban3 for this study to illustrate economic trends in an easily digestible way. Urban3 is an internationally-recognized consulting firm specializing in land value economics, property and retail tax analysis and community design. This report serves as an economic MRI. Much like a check-up with a doctor, this analysis quantifies the physical and fiscal shape of the county, city and downtown. The property tax potency of various community designs and building types were measured to give the community an idea of what areas are producing efficient community revenue and what locations could be improved.
West Palm Beach, FL Downtown Walkability Analysis
Created by Speck & Associates, LLC
By applying a design strategy centered on walkability, this study asserts and attempts to demonstrate how a limited number of relatively small planning interventions can exert a profound influence on the livability and vitality of downtown West Palm Beach. The document discusses the four components of walkability, three recommendation categories, street redesign strategy, and prioritization methodology, and concludes with next steps and highlighting a few short-term physical interventions.
West Palm Beach Arts & Entertainment District Stakeholder Study Results
Created by Charlotte Pelton & Associates, Inc.
This study was designed to test specific interest in and buy-‐in of the various marketing strategies, collaboration, economy of scale, and special event exposure for all potential participants. The data was collected through a series of one-‐on-‐one meetings with all primary stakeholders/anchor entities (cultural organizations and other key players as identified early in the research process).
CityPlace Hotel Pedestrian Study
Created by Thomas A. Hall, INC.
CityPlace, a well know “new urbanist” project, was developed as a joint venture between the city and the Related Companies. The study focuses on finding ways to improve the north to south pedestrian connection on Okeechobee Boulevard and Rosemary Avenue.
Downtown West Palm Beach Market Survey
Created by Profile Marketing Research
On-Site Survey
Market Survey
The research is part of 3-year marketing research program to help inform the DDA’s marketing plan. The goal of the research is to provide an understanding and insight of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, among other indicators. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, and other measurables were sought. As such, the report presents the findings of a two-part research study that included an on-site survey of the visitors and a telephone survey of the residents.

Knight Soul of the Community
Created by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Gallup
This study was conducted over three years in 26 cities across the United States where Knight Foundation is active. It was designed to find out what emotionally attaches people to a community — what makes them want to put down roots and build a life there.
West Palm Beach City Planning Proposals
Created by John Nolen, City Planner, Philip E. Foster Associates
The first formal urban plan for the City in the early 1920’s. Clematis Street was the heart of the plan connecting the train station out west to the Lake Worth embarkation point for the ferry to Palm Beach on the east end of the street.
Interim Report to City Planning Board
Created by John Nolen, City Planner, Philip E. Foster Associates
The report anticipated that the City of West Palm Beach’s future success and role would be due primarily to its commercial opportunity and not its historical attraction as a resort city. He then goes on to explain the data collection process and status of the plan that is being developed as the first General Plan and Report for the City of West Palm Beach.
West Palm Beach City Planning Survey
Created by John Nolen, City Planner, Philip E. Foster Associates
The survey collects a series of questions and answers, information on all aspects of the City’s functions, maps, and all other information needed to create the General Plan for the City of West Palm Beach.